Nevada Welcomes Bitcoin and Crypto: Day Two of the America Loves Crypto Tour

The Speakers and Their Crypto-Centric Messages

The second night of the America Loves Crypto tour took place at The Space in Las Vegas, continuing the momentum from the previous night’s event. With a lineup of political figures and crypto industry leaders, the gathering showcased the passion and commitment of the crypto community, who are increasingly recognizing the power of their collective voice in the political arena.

Nevada, a pivotal swing state in the upcoming 2024 Presidential election, played a central role in the discussions.

Crypto’s Growing Political Influence in Nevada

The event saw several prominent figures in both politics and the crypto world share the stage.

Speakers included Sonny Vinuya, Outreach Director for Nevada Governor Joe Lombardo (R), Rudy Pamintuan, Chief of Staff for Nevada Lieutenant Governor Stavros S. Anthony (R), Nevada State Treasurer Zach Conine (D), and Kate Rouch, Chief Marketing Officer at Coinbase.

The evening also featured performances by rapper and singer 070 Shake and Las Vegas-based DJ 3LAU, who added a cultural flair to the politically charged atmosphere.

Crypto’s Growing Political Influence in Nevada

The speakers rallied around a common message: crypto is here to stay, and Nevada is fast becoming a hub for the industry.

They underscored the importance of the crypto vote in determining the outcome of future elections, particularly in a battleground state like Nevada, where the margin of victory in the 2020 election was a mere 33,516 votes.

With a population of just over 3.1 million, even a small voting bloc has the potential to make a significant impact.

Rudy Pamintuan was particularly vocal about this, noting the importance of pro-crypto candidates in the upcoming elections. Pamintuan, who has been a crypto investor since 2015, pointed out the close margins in Nevada elections.

“In this coming election cycle, especially here in Nevada, elections are going to be won or lost by 1 or 2 percentage points. That’s about 15,000 to 30,000 votes,” he emphasized, noting that the number of crypto holders in the state far exceeds the margin of victory.

Pamintuan’s message was clear: the crypto community can no longer afford to sit on the sidelines. With 385,000 Nevadans owning cryptocurrency, the crypto vote is not only relevant but potentially decisive.

The figure was prominently displayed on screens throughout the evening, reinforcing the point that the crypto electorate has the power to swing elections in both state and federal races.

Mobilizing the Crypto Vote

Several speakers stressed the need to mobilize the crypto vote to ensure that lawmakers who support digital assets are elected to office.

Zach Conine, Nevada’s State Treasurer, urged the audience to recognize their role in shaping the future of crypto through their political participation. “Guess what, folks? You’re the market and your vote matters.

Elections in this state are always very close,” Conine remarked. His comments resonated with the theme of the evening—crypto enthusiasts and investors must take action at the polls if they want to influence public policy and secure a favorable regulatory environment for digital assets.

Conine’s point was echoed by Kate Rouch, a Nevada resident who spoke passionately about the role of crypto in her home state. “We need you guys this election,” Rouch said, issuing a call to action for the audience to get involved.

She emphasized the importance of understanding where political candidates stand on crypto issues, urging attendees to “ask them the hard questions” and to ensure that friends and family are also registered and ready to vote.

Nevada as a Crypto Hub

Nevada’s status as a growing hub for the cryptocurrency industry was another focal point of the event.

Sonny Vinuya highlighted the state’s achievements under the leadership of Governor Joe Lombardo and Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman in fostering an environment that supports financial innovation and entrepreneurship.

He explained that Nevada is home to an emerging center for technology and that the state has become increasingly welcoming to blockchain and cryptocurrency innovators.

Vinuya mentioned that next year’s Bitcoin conference would be held in Las Vegas, further cementing the city’s reputation as a crypto-friendly destination. He described Nevada as a land of opportunity, not just for its well-known casino industry, but also for technology and economic growth. “The spirit of the Nevada Way is alive and well in the Bitcoin community,” Vinuya declared, encouraging innovators to bring their big ideas to the state.

The Crypto Movement Gains Political Momentum

As the evening progressed, it became evident that crypto is no longer a niche topic in political circles. According to Kate Rouch, the growth of crypto ownership in the U.S. (now at 52 million Americans) has forced politicians at both the state and federal levels to take notice.

This burgeoning political force has prompted bipartisan support for digital assets in Washington, DC, with initiatives like FIT21 passing in the House of Representatives.

“We’ve seen undeniable change in Washington, DC over the last year from both parties,” Rouch said, explaining that politicians can no longer afford to ignore the crypto community.

This was the impetus behind the creation of the Stand With Crypto Alliance, a movement backed by Coinbase to advocate for policies that support the crypto industry. Rouch’s message was clear: crypto is now a mainstream issue, and its political clout is growing.

A Personal Crypto Journey

Before beginning his DJ set, 3LAU shared a personal story about how Bitcoin changed his life.

He recounted meeting the Winklevoss twins—early Bitcoin adopters and founders of the Gemini exchange—at one of his gigs a decade ago. At that event, they introduced him to the concept of Bitcoin, which he said gave him hope for a new financial system.

“Bitcoin changed my life, and it’s been that way for the past 10 years,” 3LAU said, reflecting on the transformative power of cryptocurrency.

As he prepared to perform, 3LAU added, “This election is probably the most important in my life. We have a choice—to make the future of the financial system or follow the legacy bullshit that we’ve had to put up with. And we’re all going to fucking vote for crypto.”

The Road Ahead for Crypto and Politics

The America Loves Crypto tour is part of a broader movement to galvanize the crypto community and ensure that their voices are heard in upcoming elections. As the 2024 Presidential election approaches, events like this serve as a reminder of the growing political power of the crypto vote. In a state like Nevada, where elections are often decided by razor-thin margins, the participation of crypto voters could be a decisive factor in determining the outcome.

Nevada’s embrace of the cryptocurrency industry, coupled with the mobilization efforts of political and industry leaders, suggests that the state could continue to be a leading force in the crypto world. With upcoming conferences and a supportive political climate, Las Vegas is positioning itself as a key player in the future of digital assets.

As the tour continues, the message remains clear: the crypto vote matters and its influence is only set to grow.

For those in attendance, the night was a powerful reminder of the importance of political engagement and the role that cryptocurrency can play in shaping the future—not just of finance, but of governance itself.


The America Loves Crypto tour’s second night in Las Vegas highlighted the growing influence of cryptocurrency in politics, particularly in swing states like Nevada. With passionate speeches from political figures and industry leaders, the event emphasized the need for crypto enthusiasts to engage in the political process to ensure a favorable future for digital assets.

Nevada, with its burgeoning crypto industry and status as a critical electoral battleground, is poised to be at the forefront of this movement. As the 2024 elections approach, the power of the crypto vote could prove pivotal in shaping the political landscape, both in Nevada and beyond.


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