Bitcoin Price Number Go Up

Does Bitcoin’s Number Go Up (NGU) Technology Still Work?

If this question has entered your mind in the past several months, read on to learn why the evidence for number go up (NGU) is stronger than ever. While the past two and a half months may have led some to fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD), Bitcoin is doing just fine and NGU isn’t going anywhere.

For anyone who has recently become aware of their bondage to the fiat financial system, taking Bitcoin’s orange pill has undoubtedly been enlightening and exhilarating. However, the legend of its past success may seem too good to be true based on the last two and a half months of consolidation, especially for newly minted Bitcoiners. Add in the noise coming from nocoiners and altcoiners and you might find yourself starting to question your choice to go all in on bitcoin.

For example, if you made your first bitcoin purchase on February 21 of this year, you bought close to $58,000, which was the current all time high. If you fast forward to today, May 28, the price is just under $37,000. Of course, bitcoin’s price action has been anything but sideways since late February, but with all the peaks and valleys it’s gone through, it can be hard to believe in NGU when you haven’t lived through it yourself. Keeping a close eye on the day-to-day bitcoin price movement can be maddening when it isn’t taking off like all those rocketship emojis on Twitter indicate it should.
