For Black America, Bitcoin Is Hope


This essay is designed to address internal risk areas in African American household economics, offer realistic mitigation strategies and summarize why I believe Bitcoin will be a permanent, generational solution to the racial wealth gap. I will leverage the themes of “harder, smarter, faster, stronger” by Michael Saylor, using my own voice. I believe this is the best introduction to Bitcoin for my intended audience as they are not likely exposed to Saylor’s ideas and thoughts.

Conspicuous Consumption

The theme of Black American culture has reverberated with the pursuit of freedom for generations. The state of Black economics has been generally troublesome. Our history is rife with limited opportunities and concerted efforts to suppress our economic growth. But though there is an abundance of data about external negative forces, internal negative forces are at work as well.

A 2007 study by Charles, Hurst and Roussanov looked into the concept of consumerism and how it manifested in the American home by ethnicity. They recalled the concept of “conspicuous consumption” coined in 1899 by economist Thorstein Veblen. This idea is defined as the purchases made by the ultra-wealthy for no other purpose than the indication of one’s economic power. While Veblen focused on the wealthy, this trio studied the common household and its own version of “visual consumption”, which assessed goods and services based on their ability to relay a sense of economic status explicitly to a stranger.
