Nick Szabo On Bitcoin 2021

Nick Szabo is a cypherpunk and cryptocurrency pioneer who in the 1990s proposed smart contracts as well as Bit Gold, a predecessor to Bitcoin. He has also written some of the most influential articles in the cryptocurrency space, including “Shelling Out: The Origins Of Money,” “Trusted Third Parties Are Security Holes” and “Money, Blockchains, And Social Scalability.”

At Bitcoin 2021, Szabo will speak about Bitcoin and the history of money. In this short interview, Szabo previewed the topics he will present on stage.

The history of money has for centuries been dominated by either precious metals — especially gold — or government-enforced fiat currency. How does Bitcoin fit into this history?

The history of money ties in because Bitcoin solves a number of fundamental historical shortcomings of both precious metals and fiat as money: costly delivery and insecure custody, expensive and/or trust-based validation, and digital centralization.

How does Bitcoin solve these problems?

“Costly delivery and insecure custody are the same problem for gold, but solved by Bitcoin in two distinct ways. The first is solved by its seamlessly global transfer of control, the second is mostly but not entirely solved by good key management techniques, e.g. multisig.
