Stacking Sats Offers Decent Returns

Sats, short for Satoshi, are the smallest subunit of a bitcoin, which is divisible up to eight decimal places. “Stacking Sats” has become a common term in the Bitcoin community for building your holdings by purchasing small amounts of bitcoin at a time.

Investing in bitcoin may seem daunting at times. Not only are there constant price fluctuations, but with a single bitcoin exceeding $55,000, it may seem as if you’ll never be able to build a decent-sized investment. To illustrate the power of “Stacking Sats,” I created the following infographic:

The idea is fairly simple, purchase small amounts, when you can, and slowly accumulate a decent position. Had you purchased just $5 worth of bitcoin a year ago, on March 29, 2020, when bitcoin was trading at $6,245, and continued purchasing $5 worth of bitcoin every Monday for the next year, your holdings would be 0.02030253 BTC, worth roughly $1,184, having only investing $260 over the course of a year.
