Why Fiat Experts Don’t Get Bitcoin

Bitcoiners And Fiat Experts

Society has conditioned us to listen to experts. They teach us what to eat, what to learn, how to exercise, how to raise our children and how to care for the environment. We think they know better, that they have our best interests at heart. After all, they have fancy titles, decades of experience, appear in mainstream media and have tons of followers. Many of them even work in organizations that have “World” in the name. How prestigious is that!? We intuitively think we wouldn’t be able to decide what’s best for ourselves. Why would we or more importantly how could we go against advice from experts?

Money From First Principles

To understand Bitcoin’s value and I mean truly understand it, you have to start asking, “What is money?” This sends precoiners spiraling down the Bitcoin rabbit hole. After extensive research on money and economics, a veil is lifted from their eyes. They start thinking, “If I’ve been lied to about money, about inflation being normal, what else have I been taught that was a lie?” This is generally where people become skeptical which leads them to think critically and not take things at face value. For the first time, they start paying attention to what experts are actually saying. They begin seeing inconsistencies in between the various word salads. Some proceed to look at experts’ track records. How could these experts be so dead wrong about so many things for so many years? Even worse, nothing happens to them. They aren’t fired, there aren’t any consequences, no accountability.
