Why Professionals Aren’t Trading Bitcoin

Bitcoin and digital asset investing, HODLing and trading has reached a new, higher plateau of legitimacy. Recent announcements of large-block institutional investments, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)’s recent stablecoin announcement, and the ascent of CBDC projects globally, have made it clear that institutional adoption of digital currencies in some form is inevitable. Plus, the bitcoin and overall cryptocurrency trading market is flush with arbitrage opportunities for professionals. The trading market is ripe for more professional traders.

However, the vast majority of professional traders are still on the “Bitcoin and cryptocurrency sidelines,” trading in forex, stocks, bonds, commodities and other non-digital assets instead.


The available trading platforms (e.g., Binance, Bithumb, Coinbase Prime, Gemini, et. al.) don’t provide the global liquidity, global price discovery and global trading execution that institutional traders require. Instead, each platform trades in its own isolated market, severely limiting liquidity while causing high spreads, slippage and low fill rates.
