Millennials Moving With Times, Study Shows

Millennials often get the blame for ruining traditions and the established order of things, but they may well be on the right path when it comes investing. A survey has found that the next generation of investors are no longer interested in stocks, looking rather at a new technology. Bitcoin and associated currencies are ideally suited to the millennial mindset, the same mindset that has seen them fed up with banks and irritated at the hegemony of the old money and the Read more …

New Blockchain-Based Startups Create New Opportunities for Healthcare

Blockchain technology has huge potential to disrupt a wide range of industries, ranging from data management, security and healthcare as a few examples. The Blockchain can provide a new foundation and structure for health information management by making electronic medical records more efficient, without intermediaries and empowering patients to be the owners of their own records. This way, a Blockchain-backed health information platform will be able to unlock the important value of interoperability and in turn, provide a reduction in costs Read more …

Kim Dotcom Shows an Interest in Bitcoin Cash and Elicits Response From Craig Wright

Kim Dotcom has become somewhat of a cult figure in the world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. He is a big fan of Bitcoin and aims to integrate it into his future services. However, it seems Dotcom also keeps tabs on Bitcoin Cash. His recent Twitter poll has gotten a lot of attention already. So far, belief in Bitcoin as the superior currency is still very strong  Then again, scalability will remain a problem for quite some time to come. It Read more …

Make Big Money on Bitcoin Cash? The IRS Might Be Watching

Bitcoin holders in the U.S. might be feeling giddy about the “free money” they’ve received as of late from bitcoin hard forks. But with tax season right around the corner, they might also be feeling a bit uneasy. While the money generated by the bitcoin cash hard fork – and the possible money generated by the bitcoin gold hard fork – has played a role in driving bitcoin’s price surge, it’s not all fun and games. Bitcoin owners have effectively acquired value Read more …

Could Bitcoin Futures Rein in the Big Price Swings?

After CME announced that they would soon be offering Bitcoin futures, the price of the digital currency took a big upward swing. However, CME is of the opinion that futures could actually put a stop to Bitcoin’s synonymous volatility. CME will be putting in place special price fluctuation limits that will help protect investors from the notorious price swings, but these same protections could also help ease the price swings and make the digital currency settle down somewhat. Bitcoin price Read more …

Banking License Applicant Revolut to Offer One-Click Bitcoin Buying In-App

Finance Britain’s Revolut filed a formal application for banking licensing this week. Established British banks are bracing for rule changes domestically and internationally, as more digital-only banks are ever-closer to legal parity with legacy institutions.  Also read: Bitcoin Businesses Refused Accounts as UK Banks Consolidate Power Without a License, Britain’s Digital-Only Revolut Has Nearly One Million Customers “Even without a banking license, we have attracted over 950,000 users across Europe,” Nikolay Storonsky, digital-only bank Revolut’s founder and Read more …

Decentralized Electricity Could be Blockchain’s Trojan Horse

The tale of the Trojan Horse first told in Homer’s Odyssey, explains how the Greeks were able to defeat the armies of Troy through a simple trick. Having failed to conquer the walls of Troy through a 10-year siege, Odysseus decides to build a giant wooden horse as a tribute to the goddess Athena, fill it with soldiers in secret and pretend to leave. The Trojans think they have won the war and bring the horse inside, only to be Read more …

The B2X Trade Between Charlie Lee and Others Isn’t Completely off yet As SegWit2x Fork Will Happen

We have seen a proverbial rollercoaster of news in the Bitcoin world these past 24 hours. More specifically, the SegWit2x hard fork is apparently canceled, although that is not entirely true. Moreover, the B2X trades between Charlie Lee, Roger Ver, and a few others may still go ahead. It will be quite interesting to see how things evolve in this regard. There is no indication of what the future may hold for Bitcoin, that much is certain. The big news Read more …

Citigroup CEO: Bitcoin Threat Will Give Rise to State Cryptocurrencies

Citigroup CEO Michael Corbat has predicted that state-sponsored digital currencies will arise from the threat posed by bitcoin. In an interview with Bloomberg at a summit in New York yesterday, Corbat said that cryptocurrencies represent a “real enough threat” to the financial system, and that governments wont take the disruption of their capabilities around data, tax collection, money laundering and know-your-customer (KYC) “lightly.” He continued: “It’s likely that we’re going to see governments introduce, not cryptocurrencies – I think cryptocurrency Read more …

DreamTeam Creates the First and Largest Recruitment and Management Network for eSports Players

DreamTeam builds a platform to provide a clear and transparent way to create teams and offers the fastest and easiest way to grow from amateur to novice and, if desired, to professional player. [Note: This is a sponsored article.] Esports is Changing the Way We Look at Competition The growing popularity of Esports isn’t something people can deny anymore. Over the past few years, view counts have skyrocketed, with the biggest tournaments touting million-dollar prize pools and reaching $100M in Read more …

Ambisafe wallets unaffected by critical multi-sig vulnerability

SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 7, 2017 – Ambisafe offers reassurance that multisig accounts using their proprietary software are not susceptible to the vulnerability currently affecting the Parity wallet. ICO’s deployed after July 2017 may permanently lose access to their funds, if they utilized Parity’s services for storing their coins, according to an article published by TechCrunch. Though there are currently no reports of lost or stolen coins, analysts estimate that at least 600,000 ETH have been made inaccessible due to the Read more …

PR: Dmarket Cross-Game Extends Token Presale and Announces the New Dates of Crowdsale

This is a paid press release, which contains forward looking statements, and should be treated as advertising or promotional material. does not endorse nor support this product/service. is not responsible for or liable for any content, accuracy or quality within the press release. Santa Monica, CA. – DMarket, the world’s first and only global blockchain-based cross-game marketplace, announced today the extension of its token presale. “Due to the upcoming Bitcoin Segwit2x hard fork, we’ve received too many requests Read more …