Crypto ‘fear index’ can now be used to peek into the future

The Crypto Volatility Index, or CVX, is now live as a beta test and proof of concept. The index tracks the implied volatility of crypto options in a similar fashion to the VIX index used in stock markets. The VIX is usually referred to as the “stock market fear index” as it often spikes in anticipation of major downward moves. The CVX operates under a very similar mechanism. It tracks the implied volatility of a basket of crypto options, primarily Read more …

The New Bullrun Rushes Investors Towards Securypto

PRESS RELEASE. With Round 1 Fully Sold Out, Investors scramble to get on board of Securypto IEO. In a world where datahacks have become the norm rather than the exception, anonymity has become a necessity. Securypto project is making headlines across major news media for its remarkable innovative approach to encrypted messaging. As the security expert and the Lead Dev of Securypto pointing out: “It’s not just WhatsApp, almost everything connected to the internet is at risk of cyberattacks. That’s Read more …

How I learned to stop worrying and love the election, Oct. 23-30

The United States is girding its loins for an election that has cast a pall over a far longer timeframe than we ever should have let it. But, then again, what did you expect when so many people spent so much of the past year cut off from their normal lives and circles, growing increasingly dependent on social media as a way of connecting with the outside world? Not a recipe for sanity, even if it was a race between Read more …

Career Trader Calls Yearn.Finance A “Strong Buy” If It Hits $7K

The DeFi trend is finally dying down, and it has left even the once hottest and most hyped coins reeling in the wake. Yearn.Finance, for example, was once trading at over $40,000 and four times the price of Bitcoin. Now, it could be headed for just half a BTC per YFI token, where one career trader claims the altcoin will be a “strong buy.” Here’s how the once piping hot DeFi token might get there. Yearn.Finance Carnage Continues, But Will Read more …

US macro events unlikely to fully derail Bitcoin price gains

Tech-heavy stock market indices, including the Nasdaq Composite and the S&P 500, have begun to recover. Amazon posted high pandemic sales that led profits to climb threefold and reported a 37% spike in revenue. Facebook also surpassed Wall Street expectations, achieving $21.5 billion in revenue during the third quarter. Although the correlation between Bitcoin and U.S. stocks has declined in recent weeks, the probability that the rising risk-on market sentiment could buoy BTC remains high. As Kevin Svenson, a chartist Read more …

What Could Utreexo Mean For Bitcoin? – Bitcoin Magazine

Listen To This Episode: On this episode of The Van Wirdum Sjorsnado, Aaron and Sjors are once again joined by Ruben Somsen. But this time, the trio isn’t discussing one of Somsen’s own proposals but diving into a concept from research scientist and Lightning Network creator Tadge Dryja called “Utreexo.” Whenever a new Bitcoin transaction is made, Bitcoin nodes use a UTXO set (the overview of all bitcoin in existence at any given time) to determine that the coins that Read more …

Future elections could be held on the Cardano blockchain, says Hoskinson

In an interview with Cointelegraph, Charles Hoskinson suggested that a Cardano-based solution might make blockchain voting possible for future national elections. He stated: “Not only do I believe — we’ve been building the infrastructure for that.” Hoskinson acknowledged that the road to Cardano-based elections would be gradual and require a number of experiments. He suggested that it could start with third parties using the network for their primaries, before escalating to municipal and state elections. From there, he supposed the network could Read more …

Remittance Costs Lower in Q3 World Bank Study Shows – Only Cryptocurrencies Meeting UN Goal

The latest study by the World Bank shows that it costs 4.98% on average to remit funds to South Asia which makes it the least expensive region while sub-Sahara Africa is the most expensive with an average cost of 8.47%. The quarterly study also finds that it is costlier to remit funds when using service providers such as banks that charge an average of 10.89%. Marginal decline Mobile operators are the cheapest as their sending costs averaged 3% and below Read more …

Altcoins Bleed Out as Bitcoin Consolidates, But This Trend May Soon Shift

It has been a rough past few days for altcoins, with many posting capitulatory losses as Bitcoin continues struggling to garner any sustained upwards momentum that can send it past its $13,800 resistance. Despite the lack of momentum seen by BTC, it remains incredibly strong from a technical perspective, and there’s no real justification for today’s altcoin bloodbath beyond simply investors capitulating. Overnight, DeFi darling’s YFI governance token plunged below $10,000 for a brief period, marking a massive descent Read more …

Tim Draper seeks to ‘DeFi‘ the venture capital business with Bitcoin

Two years ago, venture capitalist and noted Bitcoin investor Tim Draper publicly stated that Bitcoin will hit $250,000 by 2022. Yet, as Bitcoin continues to gain interest from investors, Draper revealed to Cointelegraph during an interview that a $250,000 price prediction may have been conservative: “I think it’ll certainly hit that. But a lot of people are thinking that $250,000 was a little too conservative.”  Draper also discussed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the blockchain space, noting that Read more …

Data shows Bitcoin hodlers becoming more active

The latest findings by Santiment, published in Cointelegraph Consulting’s biweekly newsletter, show that the Bitcoin Age Consumed experienced a large uptick with the recent price increase — a sign that tokens previously dormant are on the move.  The Bitcoin Age Consumed metric is found by multiplying the amount of tokens changing addresses on a certain date by the time since they last moved. It is an indicator of volatility, which often precedes a directional price shift. Over 79,955 BTC that Read more …

How a Crypto User Beat Crazy 1/3447 Odds to Win a Lambo

The biggest giveaway in crypto just concluded its third edition today. After two successful rounds, the third round showed why the popularity of’s provably fair algorithm is justified. In Round 2, User 13562178 was the lucky winner, holding 200,000+ tickets in the draw. However, in Round 3, User 38048549 clinched the top prize holding only 1,626 tickets out of a total of 5.5 million tickets distributed. That’s some luck! You want the latest news about Crypto? Then follow us Read more …