Australian Bitcoin ETF to Implement Proof of Reserves with Hoseki

The Monochrome Asset Management’s Monochrome Bitcoin ETF (IBTC) has recently set a new benchmark for transparency in the cryptocurrency investment sector. With the announcement of its partnership with Hoseki, a leading Bitcoin verification provider, the IBTC is the first Australian spot Bitcoin ETF to adopt daily proof-of-reserves verification. This collaboration signals a significant step forward for both investor protection and operational transparency in the growing world of Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

What is the Monochrome Bitcoin ETF (IBTC)?

Launched earlier this year, the Monochrome Bitcoin ETF has quickly gained traction among investors interested in gaining exposure to Bitcoin without the complexities of holding and securing the cryptocurrency themselves.

The ETF has experienced steady inflows, accumulating 134 Bitcoin, which translates to over AUD 11 million in assets. This strong interest underscores the growing demand for regulated and transparent Bitcoin investment products in Australia.

The Monochrome Bitcoin ETF allows investors to indirectly own Bitcoin by buying shares in the ETF.

Each share represents a proportional ownership of the Bitcoin held by the fund. While this structure provides ease and accessibility for investors, it also raises questions about the actual assets backing the shares.

This is where the concept of proof-of-reserves comes into play.

The Importance of Proof-of-Reserves for Bitcoin ETFs

Proof-of-reserves is a verification process that demonstrates a fund or exchange’s holdings of Bitcoin match the assets it claims to have. In essence, it is a method for ensuring that the Bitcoin backing a product like an ETF is fully accounted for and not being misrepresented.

This transparency is crucial in building trust with investors, particularly in the cryptocurrency space, which has been historically plagued by fraud, mismanagement, and lack of regulatory oversight.

For a Bitcoin ETF, proof-of-reserves offers an additional layer of security. It gives investors confidence that their money is truly tied to the underlying asset—Bitcoin—and not to some unsubstantiated claim.

Given the decentralized nature of Bitcoin and the fact that it is a digital asset, there is no central authority verifying ownership. As a result, independent verification of reserves becomes essential for maintaining integrity.

The Role of Hoseki in Proof-of-Reserves Verification

Hoseki, a leader in Bitcoin verification technology, has developed an advanced verification system known as Hoseki Verified. Through this process, Hoseki will independently validate the Monochrome Bitcoin ETF’s Bitcoin reserves.

This means that the ETF’s holdings will undergo continuous, real-time auditing to ensure that the amount of Bitcoin held by the fund corresponds exactly to the number of ETF shares issued.

Hoseki’s verification process is based on cryptographic proofs and blockchain transparency, making it nearly impossible for a discrepancy between the ETF’s stated reserves and its actual holdings to go unnoticed.

This rigorous level of transparency sets the Monochrome Bitcoin ETF apart from others in the industry, making it a pioneering force in the Australian Bitcoin ETF market.

By adopting Hoseki’s proof-of-reserves system, Monochrome ensures that its Bitcoin ETF is not only secure but also accountable to its investors. This move provides a model for how other ETFs, both in Australia and globally, might enhance their transparency measures in the future.

The Significance of This Partnership for Investors

For investors, the Monochrome-Hoseki partnership is a game-changer. One of the key concerns for investors in Bitcoin ETFs—or any Bitcoin investment product—is the risk of the underlying assets being mishandled or misrepresented.

The cryptocurrency world has seen numerous instances where exchanges or funds have failed to safeguard customer assets, leading to significant financial losses.

By implementing proof-of-reserve verification, Monochrome is addressing these concerns head-on. Investors can now have peace of mind knowing that their Bitcoin holdings are fully accounted for daily, with independent third-party verification ensuring that no discrepancies can arise.

“Proof of reserves is important for establishing full operational transparency of a Bitcoin ETF,” said Jeff Yew, CEO of Monochrome Asset Management. “Our partnership with Hoseki highlights our commitment to setting the highest standards for integrity and reliability in Bitcoin ETFs, setting a precedent for the industry.”

Yew’s statement reinforces Monochrome’s commitment to leading the industry in transparency and reliability. The partnership with Hoseki not only safeguards investor confidence but also encourages other Bitcoin ETFs to follow suit and adopt similar transparency measures.

A Precedent for the Broader Bitcoin ETF Landscape

The implementation of proof-of-reserves verification by Monochrome may prompt broader adoption of similar measures across the Bitcoin ETF landscape. As investors become more aware of the risks associated with opaque cryptocurrency funds, there will likely be increasing demand for the same level of transparency and security that Monochrome is now offering.

The cryptocurrency sector, while still relatively new, is maturing rapidly, and with that maturity comes the need for more stringent oversight and accountability. Proof-of-reserves is one way in which the industry can build trust with investors and regulators alike.

If Monochrome’s initiative proves successful, it could lead to a wider push for proof-of-reserves across all Bitcoin ETFs, setting a new standard for how these funds operate.

This precedent is particularly significant in light of the global interest in Bitcoin ETFs. In the United States, for example, multiple companies have filed applications for spot Bitcoin ETFs with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

While the SEC has yet to approve any such funds, the Monochrome-Hoseki partnership demonstrates that it is possible to run a transparent, accountable Bitcoin ETF, potentially influencing future regulatory decisions.

Privacy and Transparency: The Balance Achieved

One of the challenges of implementing proof-of-reserves in cryptocurrency is balancing transparency with privacy. Investors want assurance that their assets are secure and accounted for, but they also value privacy in their financial dealings.

Monochrome’s partnership with Hoseki strikes a balance between these two needs.

According to Monochrome, the Hoseki integration aligns with its unique capability for direct Bitcoin applications and redemptions. This feature ensures that investors can redeem their Bitcoin holdings directly without sacrificing privacy, while still benefiting from the security of daily proof-of-reserves verification.

Hoseki’s cryptographic verification methods allow for transparency without requiring the disclosure of sensitive investor information. This means that investors can trust the system without having to worry about their data being exposed.

The privacy-conscious nature of the Hoseki system makes it an ideal solution for the cryptocurrency space, where security and anonymity are often top priorities for investors.

Future Implications for the Bitcoin ETF Market

As the first Australian spot Bitcoin ETF to adopt proof-of-reserves verification, Monochrome is setting a new benchmark for the entire industry. Its partnership with Hoseki not only demonstrates a commitment to transparency but also positions the fund as a leader in investor protection and security.

The success of this initiative could inspire other Bitcoin ETFs to follow suit, particularly in markets where regulatory scrutiny is intensifying. As the demand for Bitcoin ETFs continues to grow, transparency measures like proof-of-reserves will likely become a key factor for investors when choosing which fund to invest in.

Moreover, the Monochrome-Hoseki partnership could have broader implications for the cryptocurrency industry as a whole. As more investment products are developed around digital assets, the need for reliable, independent verification systems will become even more critical.

By setting a high standard for transparency, Monochrome is helping to shape the future of the Bitcoin ETF market and, by extension, the wider cryptocurrency investment landscape.


The partnership between Monochrome Asset Management and Hoseki represents a significant advancement for the Bitcoin ETF market in Australia. By adopting daily proof-of-reserve verification, Monochrome is setting a new standard for transparency, security, and investor protection.

This move not only bolsters investor confidence in the Monochrome Bitcoin ETF but also has the potential to influence the broader adoption of proof-of-reserves verification across the global Bitcoin ETF industry.

In a rapidly evolving financial landscape, where trust and transparency are paramount, the Monochrome Bitcoin ETF stands out as a leader in integrity and innovation. As more investors look for secure and transparent ways to gain exposure to Bitcoin, Monochrome’s approach may very well shape the future of cryptocurrency investment products worldwide.


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