Bitcoin: The Aperture of Money

Our perception of money is expanding. The way humans think about money, understand it, discuss it and interact with it is changing. As an inverse to previous regressions in freedom like the transition from the gold standard to the fiat standard, we now progress to the inevitably more advanced money of modernity.

In a world with the internet, fiat money is obsolete. Instantaneous global value transfer is not only a necessity but now a reality. An immutable, deflationary computer program taking over the global monetary system should be expected. If humans want to get to Mars, they need Bitcoin.

While Our Perception Of Money Expands, The Aperture Of Money Contracts

As we come from a century of financialization across the globe, we have an excess of “monetary light” present. Monetary light, as this essay defines it, is simply the excess energy spent on this financialization of the global economy. What Bitcoin does is focus this light through an ever-contracting aperture, slowly directing this vast energy of value onto a single focus point.

It is still early on in this process. As William Clemente III illustrated so beautifully for Bitcoin Magazine, Bitcoin is going to compress quadrillions of monetary energy into just 21 million BTC. The reality shift necessary for this to happen will be dramatic and, indeed, entirely unpredictable.
