Are you a Winner of a Jackpot? Learn How Jackpot, An Airdrop of Tokens, Works in the SP8DE ICO

SP8DE is the next-generation, blockchain-based gaming ecosystem that forms a revolutionary protocol for online casinos. Developed on Ourobros, the POS protocol forming Cardano blockchain, SP8DE enables casino operators to develop and execute feature-rich gambling applications with a close-to-zero transaction fee, zero-house edge and auditable fair random numbers.

What makes the project interesting and distinguishing in the industry is its futuristic model and the jackpot prizes in its ICO. This project is a blend of innovation and explosion of joy that cannot be seen anywhere else. SP8DE is based on unbiased public randomness for developing and implementing distributed casino applications. Its protocol has been designed to make a change in the existing online casino system in the industry.

The ICO Brings the Golden Opportunity to Win Jackpot

The ICO token sale of the SP8DE platform is successfully going-on, started on February 8, 2018. The participants are entering the jackpot stages where additional SPX tokens will be airdropped randomly. The more the SPX tokens the participants hold, the higher the opportunity they get to win a bigger share of the airdropped tokens. Every jackpot is played among all existing token holders.

How the Jackpot in the SP8DE ICO works?

In its essence, each jackpot is the airdrop of tokens with certain modifications. Each token sold during the preceding Sale rounds gets a chance to win a jackpot during the following jackpot phases. The platform is all set to offer the largest jackpot of 28,888,888 SPX tokens to 10 lucky winners today. But this is just the beginning as more jackpot phases are scheduled throughout the duration of the crowdsale. The complete schedule is available below.


Jackpot I 10 Jackpots each of 28,888,888.80 SPX. A total of 288,888,888 SPX on February 15, 2018, 9:00 AM UTC


Jackpot II 28 Jackpots each of 13,888,888.86 SPX. A total of 388,888,888 SPX on February 23, 2018, 9:00 AM UTC
Jackpot III 100 Jackpots each of 8,888,888.88 SPX. A total of 888,888,888 SPX on March 3, 2018, 9:00 AM UTC
Jackpot IV 888 Jackpots each of 2,127,127.13 SPX. A total of 1,888,888,888 SPX on March 11, 2018, 9:00 AM UTC


Jackpot winners don’t enter the next jackpots, hence, winning a jackpot doesn’t result in a higher chance of winning another one. Moreover, the Jackpot Factors is an important aspect of each jackpot campaign, attached to each token. This makes the game more interesting and lets anyone compete with others to win the jackpot.

Where Do the Unpurchased Tokens Go?

The unsold tokens, if any, will be distributed among the jackpots, increasing the amount of tokens the participants will get in every Sale.

Distribution of Unpurchased Tokens
Phase Foundation Jackpot I Jackpot II Jackpot III Jackpot IV
Pre-Sale 30% 30% 20% 20%
Sale I 20% 15% 40% 25%
Sale II 10% 55% 25%          10%
Sale III 5% 40%          55%
Sale IV 30%


Going Forward

The ICO of SP8DE is currently going on. Each sale phase will be of seven days followed by a Jackpot that is distributed entirely within a single day after every Sale. So, you have a great chance to win a jackpot for yourself.

To know more about the platform and get a chance to win a jackpot, participate in the on-going ICO by visiting

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