‘Bacon Intern’ Wanted at CA Burger Chain & It Pays $125 an Hour

Bacon lovers, listen up! The California burger chain Farmer Boys wants to hire a “Bacon Intern” to taste-test its pork-tacular new menu offerings. And the best part is, you’ll be paid $1,000 to go hog-wild enjoying as much bacon as you want for one day.

That’s $125 per hour for a standard eight-hour workday.

Farmer Boys, which is based in Riverdale, California, has 92 locations across California and Nevada. The restaurant announced its nationwide search for a bacon intern in a press release.

So far, the viral ad campaign has been featured in numerous TV news programs and across the internet.

This job won’t boar you

farmer boys, bacon intern
$125 an hour to eat bacon at a burger joint? Where do we sign up? | Source: Shutterstock

Farmer Boys says the duties of the Bacon Intern include “one day of pigging out on Farmer Boys’ signature bacon-topped items” like its Bacon Boy cheeseburger and chopped Cobb salad, as well as rating each strip of bacon for flavor and thickness.

In return, the intern gets to bring home the bacon and take $1,000 to put in his or her piggy bank!

Larry Rusinko, the burger chain’s chief marketing officer, says the ad campaign is part of an effort to get consumer feedback on some new items it’s developing.

A one-day bacon Olympigs

Bacon lovers can apply for the internship by posting a photo or video of themselves on their personal Instagram account, explaining why they are the best Bacon Intern for Farmer Boys.

Applicants must tag Farmer Boys Foods’ Instagram account in their post and use the hashtag #FarmerBoysBaconIntern in their caption.

The deadline is August 20. A winner will be announced on Instagram on August 27. All applicants must be at least 18 years of age and must be willing to commute to Farmer Boys’ Southern California location to participate in the internship.

So far, 116 people have submitted their applications on Instagram. Many are hilarious.

These entries will make you squeal with delight

One man wrote, “Will work for pork.”

Another dressed up as a slice, saying he won’t go bacon your heart if you choose him.

Another man snapped a photo of himself preparing racks of bacon in an oven. “Look no further because I am here!” he gushed.

Some contestants even showed off their bacon tattoos.

One Florida man has a bacon-themed license plate. He loves bacon so much that he’s willing to work for free. “You can keep the $1,000,” he wrote.

Women want in on the porcine action, too.

“Keep calm and bacon on.”

Farmer Boys isn’t the only fast-food chain that has run bacon-themed marketing campaigns. As CCN reported, McDonald’s recently did a bacon giveaway. And in 2018, Oscar Mayer launched the short-lived Bacoin crypto.
