The BCHDEVCON judges

Shout-out to our judges that supported the teams during the hackathon. We would like to invite you to check their work, their technical deep dives and insights about our industry.

Amaury Séchet

Lead developer from @Bitcoin_ABC, Amaury Séchet was the first to answer our call and shared his insights about the future of Bitcoin Cash. Watch his technical deep dive talk about the “Next Steps for Bitcoin Cash”.

Amaury Séchet, the “Next Steps for Bitcoin Cash”
Coinspice’s interview with Amaury Séchet
Our interview with Amaury Séchet, discussing the BCH November Hard Fork, CTOR and more.

Paul Wasensteiner

Executive Director of the Bitcoin Cash Association, Paul Wasensteiner joined us from Germany, to share his knowledge about community building in the BCH ecosystem. We look forward to organising more meetups across the world to teach and inspire everyone about peer to peer electronic cash!

Coinspice’s interview with Paul Wasensteiner

Gabriel Cardona

Senior Developer at Bitcoin.com and BITBOX, Gabriel Cardona was there to share his knowledge with all the teams. During the technical deep dive, he discussed the tokambrian explosion we will witness on BCH thanks to the Wormhole protocol that enables the creation of smart contracts and token on BCH.

Vincent Evert’s interview with Gabriel Cardona

Nikita Zhavoronkov

As part of our elite panel of judges, we also welcomed Nikita Zhavoronkov an information security and AML/CFT specialist as well as lead developer of the very popular blockchain search and analytics engine: Blockchair. In addition, Yedige Davletgaliyev, Blockchair’s Chief Research Officer was part of the team of mentors that supported the teams relentlessly for 32 hours.

Ryan X Charles

We welcomed Ryan X Charles, co-founder and CEO of Yours.org and Money Button, two companies built on BCH. As an entrepreneur, he’s interested in reaching the mainstream global audience and cares about instant transactions and low fees, two critical properties of Bitcoin Cash.

Spicy Chat between Ryan X Charles (Bitcoin SV), Amaury Séchet (Bitcoin ABC) and Justin Bons (Bitcoin Unlimited) moderated by Paul Wasensteiner (Bitcoin Cash Association)

Alejandro de la Torre

Last but not least, Alejandro de la Torre, early bitcoiner and VP of Business Operations at BTC.com was chaperoning the whole hackathon. Click on the video to hear his insights about Proof of Work, the 10 year celebration of the Bitcoin whitepaper and the BCH hard fork.

BCHDEVCON brought to you by: Alejandro de la Torre, Paul Wasensteiner, Gabriel Cardona, Eléonore Blanc, Nikol Daru, Amaury Séchet, Ryan X Charles, Epperly Li, Nikita Zhavoronkov

Tank you to all our judges and mentors, who shared their valuable knowledge with the hackers, as the 32 hours ticked down.
