Bitcoin Brings Financial Literacy – Bitcoin Magazine: Bitcoin News, Articles, Charts, and Guides

Bitcoin will bring about an explosion of financial literacy in the same way that the printing press brought about an explosion of reading literacy in the 1400’s. While it’s impossible to calculate the literacy rate before the invention of the movable type printing press, we know today’s literacy rates are over 95% in many countries.

I’m confident that the same thing can happen with financial literacy because of bitcoin. Best-selling author and educator Robert Kiyosaki is the first person I know who explained that most of us are “financially illiterate” and he has been advocating financial literacy since he published his best-seller Rich Dad Poor Dad in 1997. One of my favorite quotes about money and our banking system is by Henry Ford who said, “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and money system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

After studying money, the US banking system and bitcoin for the past several years I’ve reached the startling and mind blowing conclusion that even though we’re two decades into the 21st century, almost no one understands money, finance, currency or our banking system! This is true of captains of finance, kingpins on Wall Street and nearly every elected official. Nearly every critique of bitcoin is based on ignorance about money, what it is or its purpose. Or those critiques are based on a deeply flawed understanding of our banking system. This ignorance extends to our understanding of digital scarcity, cryptography, Austrian economics, game theory and how the old rails of the US banking system compare to the new rails of the bitcoin protocol.
