Bitcoin Is Absurd Struggle Satoshi

Right now Bitcoin is experiencing a gigantic drop in hashrate due to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) shutting down mining in the country. Already being dubbed “The Great Hashrate Migration,” a huge amount of mining equipment is being unplugged and shipped to friendlier jurisdictions around the world. Some Chinese miners have taken to booze as expectations are that nearly all mining operations will be shut down. The largest difficulty adjustment in Bitcoin’s history is likely to occur as a result of the disruption.

The motivations for such a move are opaque. Rumors abound that the CCP is preparing a rollout of their own central bank digital currency around the 2022 Winter Olympics. Mining can be a crafty method of capital flight, sending bitcoin straight into an offshore cold wallet which is a nuisance for the Party. Corrupt cadres could be siphoning energy into their own operations or paid off by local miners. Maybe a younger, digital-native clique in the Party got a little too much bravado and crypto-wealth for Xi Jinping’s tastes. Others have suggested the CCP takes climate change very seriously and is taking a leap forward for the good of the planet. Whatever the reasoning, the CCP decided mining is a threat to their power in some way. The result is that massive amounts of Bitcoin infrastructure currently residing in China is getting the hell out of there as rapidly as possible.
