Boom of the Ecosystems – CryptoCoinsNews

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Ecosystems have flooded our lives, they are literally everywhere: banks, enterprises, tech.companies – join or develop ecosystems of their own. Derived from biology, the term “ecosystem” is widely applied in business as it reflects the interaction of all stakeholders – suppliers, distributors, customers, competitors, governmental agencies and so on – all in part responsible for the delivery of a specific product or service. Every party in ecosystem benefits and adds value to the ecosystem, increasing its competitive advantage and becoming part of the complex mechanism. Not all companies, however, fully consider the benefits that can come from creating or joining an ecosystem, some are just following the global trend.  This results in the fact that startups, established businesses, and even global organizations, regardless of the sphere, are trying to incorporate and take profit from something they do not fully understand.

What is driving the trend? We’ll look at this more on our blog.

A new trend – ecosystems for business

The common goal of gaining a competitive advantage and then staying ahead of competition pushes companies to cooperate. Big businesses create sophisticated and integrated ecosystems that consist of new startups, FinTech companies and other suppliers that can add value or reduce the costs of development and delivery of a product or service. To thrive over time, an ecosystem should consist of  great ideas and talented entrepreneurs that are ready to execute those ideas, as well as potential customers that are already interested in the new tech product or service. Having a dream, however, is not enough, capital is needed to fuel the development.. This is where ICOs come into play. In the hope of avoiding too much bureaucracy, regulation and legal costs, companies turn to crowdfunding to get their projects off the ground. ICOs or token sales allow ordinary people to fund projects that they believe in and perhaps benefit from the project’s success in the long run.

Decentralized globalization: the boom of blockchain-powered ecosystems

The world as a whole and businesses in part are aimed at becoming completely globalized and decentralized,  transparent transactions, less control, more opportunities and no borders. Yet the current banking and government regulations are slowing down the processes of globalization and business development.

Blockchain technologies give unprecedented capabilities to trade value around the globe in a secure, decentralized and transparent manner.  Much like blockchain itself, ecosystems that are using it are transparent and secure. Based on smart contracts, the blockchain environment solves a lot of issues associated with traditional crowd fundraising, including but not limited to the undeclared use of allocated funds. This is achieved by generalizing ICO conditions and automating ICO processes. ICOs are  a new channel to power business growth, finance innovative ideas as well as attract a following of loyal customers that have a silent stake in the company or project. There is little doubt that this new phenomenon will reshape and alter existing business practices and global financial markets.

Leveraging blockchain technologies and ICOs as a means for fundraising, companies, both big and small, are taking advantage to develop and implement their ideas. While some business entities are hesitating, the world seems to be ready to embark on decentralized globalization.  

Projects to attract maximum investment for the ICO

There is a lot of hype around ICO. The current market is oversaturated by projects that aim to impact every aspect of people’s lives. The list of companies going for an ICO is very diverse: banking, trading, e-commerce, insurance, gaming, even an animal fair. It seems like everyone wants a piece of the action.  ICOs are global, equity free, and relatively unregulated in the vast majority of the world.  Yet-to-be-completed projects, or sometimes yet-to-be-started ideas, are the ones that can extract maximum potential from this type of fundraising, which shows enormous sums of money being raised within days if not hours.  The events of 2017 have shown that most successful ICO campaigns have been carried out by either fintech companies  or companies whose product has a direct implementation into real life. Of course, well-known traditional, successful businesses have shown that  their success and brand names may also be considered part of the recipe for success.  

A company that seems to have every ingredient for success is the well-known NAGA GROUP, a German FinTech company listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. NAGA has successfully raised 30% of their pre-sale goal in under 24 hours. Having achieved great success with their  mobile only app projects, the NAGA GROUP is coming to the crypto community and launching their token sale for a brand new project. NGC is a cryptocurrency that will bring new benefits for every user in NAGA ecosystem. With successful projects already on their resume and the fact that they are listed on one of the most powerful stock exchanges, the future contributors of NAGA may rest assured that their funds will be used for the good of the company and their platforms, which will have a direct and positive impact on the NGC token price in the future.

The NAGA project is already under development. All capital raised from the ICO will be used to scale the project.

The NAGA pre-sale has already started, don’t miss out on the 30% bonus, join now!

Find out more about the NAGA project in NGC White Paper.

To ask questions and talk to the team join NAGA Telegramm.
