Democratic Investment Platform SISA Announces Presale for October 20, 2017

SISA, a tech startup, has planned to launch a stable and transparent platform backed by Ethereum blockchain technology to pool investments. In this regard, the company has announced its tokens’ pre-sale date as October 20, 2017. The pre-sale will end on October 30.

The SISA Platform

The SISA platform has integrated blockchain technology into its platform to offer users a safe, transparent and a more democratic medium, by which they can back their investment pool funds. The platform pays attention to the issues associated with conventional investment pool funds, using Ethereum smart contracts.


SISA is a democratic, decentralized investment pool fund that offers investors numerous benefits including access to and diversification of investment opportunities that were previously couldn’t be gained due to capital restrictions. The platform uses a Democratic Pool Fund (DPF), giving each user a higher leverage while putting capital allocations under the control of the backers.

The platform implements a voting mechanism through which backers can vote for the companies and projects that should be considered by the fund. The pooling mechanism is executed via Ethereum smart contracts.

How it Works?

Token holders register themselves on SISA platform. Afterwards, backers propose feasible projects that can be funded. After receiving the recommendation, the team behind the platform analyzes and determines if the project fits the fund criteria for diversification and risk.

SISA analysts pass their decision to the platform backers, who in turn, vote to choose the project to back. SISA managers then make strategic investments into the most attractive idea. Stakeholders start building their awareness regarding the project while holding the accounts management team accountable for the decision.

The Dividend Policy

The company will distribute 70 percent of each quarter’s fund profit as dividends that token holders can withdraw via Ethereum smart contract.

Immanuel Anthony, the founder of SISA and a business expert, shares his views on how a decentralized and democratic fund tackles the critical issues associated with conventional pool investment funds by saying,

“The problem with traditional pool investment funds is that the fund managers hold all the power over the backers and there is a consistent lack of direct communication between entrepreneur and investor. We have designed a blockchain-based, democratic platform that eliminates these weaknesses but preserves the benefits that the traditional pool funds offer.”

The company plans to operate an additional fund that will be launched next year. It will be a non-tokenized fund, focusing on more traditional projects outside the blockchain space.

To know more about the platform and participate in its upcoming pre-sale, please visit


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