El Salvador Surf Team Rides Bitcoin

The small Central American country of El Salvador can thank Bitcoin for pushing its national surf team to new levels.

“Bitcoin has also helped El Salvador fund their National team and map out a training facility. On March 19, 2021, the Men’s and Women’s Salvadoran surf teams signed their first-ever paid contracts. These contracts, funded by the Bitcoin Beach initiative, make them the only national sports team funded solely by Bitcoin,” reports StabMag, a surfing publication. 

This major achievement for bitcoin on a community level is the result of the Bitcoin Beach initiative. Indeed, this is not the first time that El Salvador has made bitcoin-related headlines. In a world where banking is often non-accessible to remote locations and underprivileged communities, bitcoin has become a shining light of an alternative.

El Zonte, a beach community and village on the coast of the country, is known as “Bitcoin Beach.” The circular economy being built by surfers like Michael Peterson was the subject of a Bitcoin Magazine piece in January 2020. The project started after an anonymous donor gave a large sum of bitcoin to the village in hopes of igniting a separate local economy entirely built on the digital asset.
