Family Goes All In On Bitcoin At $900, Has Keys Stored Around The World

Didi Taihuttu, his wife and kids spoke about their geographically distributed bitcoin in cold storage today in an interview with CNBC. The famous “Bitcoin Family” sold their house, and liquidated their assets in 2017 to buy more Bitcoin to live off of.

The Dutch family’s cold storage hardware wallets are stored around the world in secret vaults.

Didi explained, “I have hidden the hardware wallets across several countries so that I never have to fly very far if I need to access my cold wallet, in order to jump out of the market.”

Taihuttu did reveal that the hardware wallets were distributed across four continents, with two in Europe, two in Asia, one in Australia, and one in South America. His goal is to hold bitcoin in cold storage on every continent.

Didi also told CNBC that none of the hardware wallets are underground or on a remote island, rather they are all hidden in places such as rental apartments, self-storage sites, and friends’ homes.

Didi went on to explain that 26% of his Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency was kept in hot wallets, and that with this money he day trades and gambles on altcoins. However, the rest of his bitcoin is in cold storage.
