Hyperledger Blockchain Training Program to Launch Late October

Linux and their Hyperledger Project have announced that they will be launching a training course and certification program dedicated to blockchain. It’s been designed to help those wanting to get started using blockchain for business applications, and being entirely free and online, it’s as accessible as is possible.

The course is titled “Blockchain for Business: An Introduction to Hyperledger“. It will start on October 25 2017 and be offered at edX.org – Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s joint, not-for-profit learning platform.

Whilst taking and completing the course is entirely free, students can opt to purchase a verified certification for the cost of $99 when they’ve finish their training.

The Hyperledger Project is a blockchain standards organisation which is administered by the Linux Foundation. The Hyperledger Fabric 1.0 is the framework by which large companies such as IBM can build blockchain projects of their own. Brian Behlendorf, Hyperledger executive director said the following about his project and the course itself:

Interest in blockchain technology is exploding; software developers, product teams, and business managers are all desperately eager to figure out how this technology can solve real-world problems. This first introductory-level course is carefully designed for both nontechnical and technical audiences, to bring everyone further up the learning curve and get started with it on their own business needs.

The program will be divided into various key areas. The will include:

  • Understanding blockchain technology.
  • Current Hyperledger projects and their use cases.
  • Building simple apps on Hyperledger Fabric.
  • How to get involved and work with the Hyperledger Project.

Whilst blockchain technology has already found one practical application in the exchange value, there are many in the space who have an unwavering belief that it will eventually underpin many operations in a variety of industries. It can be used to track ownership of digital (Bitcoin etc.) or physical objects. Thanks to blockchain’s immutability, and security features, many outside the cryptocurrency space are becoming interested in it. Commercial uses for the technology could eventually include banking, finance, insurance, conveyancing, and even governance. It’s the Linux Foundation’s goal to get business owners familiar with blockchain implementation so that they too can reap the benefits of a more trust-less future with fewer expensive middlemen.
