IOTA announces partnership with Taipei to create a Smart City

In a official press release, Taipei City’s Taiwanese capital has announced a partnership with IOTA. The goal of the cooperation is the creation of a Smart City. Tangle technology is being used to create a series of technical innovations for the city’s residents.

The Taipei City Government Official Press Release states that IOTA and Taipei will explore the possibilities of adapting IOTA technology to their smart city needs. There are a number of projects dealing with data integrity as well as authenticity problems in public life.

The first project will be the creation of digital citizen ID cards based on Tangle technology. Using the TangleID card, the risk of identity theft and electoral fraud is eliminated. In addition, all health data of the citizens should be stored safely and with integrity on the TangleID – a kind of digital medical record. But other data, such as government-related services, should be stored on the TangleID.

Furthermore, Taipei has already started the project “Airbox” with other partners and companies. As part of this project, air sensors are being developed that detect temperature, humidity, light and environmental pollution. In cooperation with the Taiwanese startup BiiLabs, the collected airbox data will be integrated into the IOTA Marketplace and thus made available in real time.

In the press release, David Sønstebø, co-founder of the IOTA Foundation nsaid:

“We are very excited about working with Taipei City. It proves that our next generation technology is ready for real use cases and more than just a theory. This is the beginning and the beginning of the impact that IOTA can have in making the Internet of Things world ever closer and paving the way for not just smart cities but a smart world. “

With the announcement of the partnership with Tapei, IOTA continues on its path towards mainstream adaptation and establishment through real-world applications. In recent months, IOTA has already announced several strategic projects and partnerships. These included the International Transportation Innovation Center (ITIC), the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Bosch and the extensive IOTA Marketplace project, with numerous cooperation partners.

Due to recent turbulent weeks, this news has shown no visible impact on the IOTA course.

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