Proof Bitcoin Is Heading Upwards

Last Week In Bitcoin is a series discussing the events of the previous week that occurred in the Bitcoin industry, covering all the important news and analysis.

Summary of the Week

After briefly dipping below $43,000 on Monday, bitcoin has remained relatively steady around $46,000 during the week, briefly surpassing $48,000 over the weekend. It may be too early to call, but it appears as if it’s time to get overly bullish for the short term. Over the past week, the U.S. Senate passed their controversial U.S. infrastructure bill, Bloomberg and Kraken’s CEOs seem to agree bitcoin is heading to $100,000 this year, and the president of Argentina says the country is open to adopting bitcoin as legal tender. Here’s last week in bitcoin:

Timeline Of Bitcoin This Week

Bullish News That Proves Bitcoin Is Heading Upwards

❶ On Monday, bitcoin mining firm Argo announced record profits for the second quarter of 2021. They went on to state they own 1,100 BTC and have no intention of selling their holdings. This bullish sentiment appears to be shared across the market as miners continue to hold most of the bitcoin they mine.
