Reimagine Your Life With Bitcoin

Rule II: Imagine Your Life With Bitcoin, Then Aim Single-Mindedly at That

A reimagination of “Beyond Order” by Jordan Peterson through the lens of Bitcoin.


This is part 2 of a 12-part series. This work follows the chronological order of “Beyond Order.” Each piece represents one chapter and the corresponding subtitles below match the subtitles in the original work. If you own the book, it adds a second dimension. This writing mirrors the ideas in “Beyond Order,” offering reflection through a Bitcoin lens. All quotes credited to Jordan Peterson. All reflections inspired by Satoshi Nakamoto.

You can read part 1 here.

Who Are You — And Who Could You Be?

“You are something that is becoming…Everyone has that sense…that there is more to them than they have yet allowed to be realized. That potential is often obscured by poor health, misfortune, and the general tragedies and mishaps of life.”

We’ve all suffered financial setbacks: blindly following a friend’s investment advice, unexpected financial burdens or falling prey to a ponzi scheme. Repeated pain makes us jaded. The older we become, the more skeptical we become of anything sounding too good to be true. We are afraid of things that live beyond our comprehension. As negative financial experiences compound with age, we tend to retreat deeper into our comfort zone. The scars from pain and age merge into fear overriding our youthful sense of wonder and possibility. It’s no wonder younger generations are enamored by Bitcoin while older generations lean toward apprehension.
