Senators Toomey, Lummis Push Bitcoin Amendment to Infrastructure Bill

Senators Pat Toomey (R-PA) and Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) held a press conference Monday to address the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill currently being considered by the Senate.

To begin, Senator Toomey introduced a much-debated amendment to the bill, but noted the general agreement among elected officials (and the bitcoin community) that centralized digital exchanges acting as brokers should be required to report transactions to the IRS just like other kinds of brokers. 

Still, he insisted that the case for the amendment is that the language of the current text of the infrastructure bill is flawed.

 Toomey began by introducing the need for the amendment: “The current text would ensnare people and companies and impose transaction reporting requirements on those to whom it should not apply, and in some cases to those who couldn’t possibly even attain the information. For example, crypto transaction validators, and people who write software code who have no further involvement with its application.”

He went on to mention the co-sponsors to the amendment were Senators Lummis, Warner (D-VA), Portman (R-OH), and Sinema (D-AZ). Toomey said, “We came together to provide greater clarity on the rules for who are the actual brokers of a cryptocurrency. We’re not proposing anything sweeping or anything radical.”
