SkillZ Launches it’s ICO With a Worldwide online PS4 and XBox One video game tourney so you can bet on yourself and Win up to $4M in Ethereum & Prizes

Blockchain Media Group

Los Angeles, CA – Feb 14th 2018, The eSports competitive video gaming market continues to grow revenues & attract investors. You can make serious cryptocurrency playing computer or video games and you don’t even need to be that good. Competitive gaming, known as electronic sports, or eSports, is a global phenomenon valued in the 100 billions dollars in 2017.

So how much money could you make? Quite a lot, actually. There are examples of players making $10,000 to $100,000 a month. Note that this isn’t something that will happen overnight. Just like any decent job, it requires dedication, effort and consistency. Interestingly, a lot of players are in their late teens to late 20s.

To become a SkillZ Gaming pro requires sacrifice, dedication and concentration as well as the ability to control your emotions during the gameplay session. Practice is paramount and SkillZ Gaming pros play many hours per day — sometimes all day.

“The big video & pc gaming events are already bigger than the biggest events in sports,” said SkillZ Gaming, soon to be the world’s largest video game tournament platform on the blockchain and coming to exchanges near you.

The good news is that the industry is continuing to grow and as it does more and more jobs will be available. The economic impact of the gaming industry to the US GDP was over $100 billion in 2017 and that number is certain to grow for the foreseeable future.

SkillZ Gaming is a decentralized competitive PC and console gaming platform on the Ethereum ecosystem. Bet On Yourself. Win Crypto Playing Video Games against anyone in the world on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Head to Head Matches for Crypto, Free Tournaments for Crypto and Prizes. FIFA 18 , Madden 18, NBA2K 18, MLB The Show 18, NHL 18, and Call of Duty WWII. This list represents video game tournaments with the largest prize pools in eSports.

The SkillZ Gaming ICO has created quite the buzz in the world of eSports as investors flock to the best ICO’s hoping to cash in on the ground floor and pave the way for their retirement. Analysts have been predicting that this ICO may be among the top ICO’s of the year because of the exponential growth of the SkillZ Gaming user base as well as company expansion.

To learn more about this ICO or purchasing tokens for investment purposes, visit their official website at

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Forbes Tech

Attn: Janet Burns


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