South Korean Bithumb and Tokyo’s Coincheck return to the usual rhythm of work

Blockchain Media Group

Sooner or later everything rises. This principle also applies to the crypto-currency market, which from time to time simply confuses absolutely unexpected news, but still returns to a stable course.

Most of the Crypto-currency, which started the week on a downtrend, have finally returned to growth. Return to the usual rhythm of work and South Korean cryptography Bithumb, and Japanese Coincheck.

After two days during which Bithumb Exchange users were deprived of the possibility of performing operations, South Korean crypto-exchange announced the successful implementation of the KYC identification system, and the Coincheck trading platform, which was exposed several weeks ago, resumes the withdrawal of the fiat money that users are waiting for. It is noteworthy that both statements appeared almost simultaneously.

The KYC identification system, which literally stands for “Know Your Customer”, was necessary according to legal requirements, which came into effect 10 days ago, when anonymous cryptographic trade in South Korea was banned. Verification of accounts of traders occurs through accounts in banks Nonghyup and Shinhan.

As for the infamous Coincheck, according to the representatives of the exchange, the withdrawal of fiat money will be available again in the coming Tuesday, February 13. Here’s what the experts of the exchange note about this:

“Now the assets of our clients in the Japanese yen are under reliable management in their accounts. We will resume the service related to the withdrawal of funds, February 13 “.

Agree, quite encouraging news for users who for some time could not get access to their own funds.

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