The Blockchain Chicken – The Bitcoin News

The French retail and wholesale company Carrefour SA announces its first successes in the use of blockchain technology. The trading giant has been monitoring the production and delivery routes of selected products via Blockchain for a long time. Customers can retrieve the information in the supermarket. According to a press release from the company, the pilot project has already begun to bear fruit.

Positive interim results on the Blockchain pilot project

According to this, the range of blockchain-registered foods now includes 20 products. Carrefour started with organic poultry meat at the time. Carrefour customers have been able to trace their career from rearing to the refrigerated shelves since last year. The choice of perishable meat as a pioneer use case is based on the following calculation:

You create a halo effect – If I can trust Carrefour with this chicken, I can also trust Carrefour with their apples or cheese,

says Emmanuel Delerm, responsible for blockchain projects at Carrefour to Reuters.

The company plans to expand the range of transparent products to 100 this year. Food tracking has had a positive impact on sales.

Pomelo sold faster than last year due to blockchain [and] we had a positive impact on chicken compared to non-blockchain chicken, Delerm continues.

The initiative has therefore been able to record particular success in China, Italy and France.

image by Shutterstock
