What A Bitcoin Standard Really Means For Humanity

Bitcoin 2021. Miami.

This is an article which formed the basis of my talk at Bitcoin 2021 in Miami (see video above) and was inspired by the longer-form article I wrote a couple of months back entitled “Fiat, Fascism And Communism”:

Fiat, Fascism And Communism

My intent during the talk, and in this article here, is to remind you, the reader, of what you may already know or what perhaps you are starting to slowly realize about Bitcoin.

Yes. Bitcoin is the most important economic decision you’ll make in your entire life. Nothing else comes close. In fact, it’s probably the most asymmetric economic opportunity any group of people will ever have had, in the history of humanity. And you’re lucky enough to be alive during this period.

Bitcoin is the final Cantillon opportunity in the sense that by reading this, you’re early enough and close enough to the greatest wealth transfer in documented history. That is a big deal.

But no, that’s not what I’m here to talk to you about. NgU technology is important, and of course it’s the centerpiece of the Bitcoin flywheel, but I don’t need to remind you of that.
